“Health is adding a level of intention in every area of your life.”

Miranda Anderson

I think it can be easy to get overwhelmed when peeking into the window of the “natural lifestyle”. Is it really worth the investment? Where would I begin?

When we remove a list of chemicals from our homes, we give our bodies space to work better. Toxins impact everything whether you feel it or not. Sleep, immune system, fertility, skin, hormones, mental clarity - everything!

You will never regret investing in products that not only eliminate future potential health issues but add benefits and enhance the quality of your life. You will wish you invested sooner! I have heard it over and over again. I know it’s 100% true in my life.

I remember thinking essential oils were an extra. But once I started using them, I found that they replaced so many things.

Does using essential oils seem overwhelming? I will connect you with resources to help you. And I would love to help answer any questions you have - that’s my job! Another option is to start by replacing your cleaning products. The Thieves Loyalty Bundle is perfect for that!

Why Wellness Matters

Why Essential Oils?

Before having my daughter, we started to wonder about the products in our home. Were they toxic? If we shouldn’t have them at a little one’s reach, why do we have them at all? If what we put on the floor enters a little one’s system in 26 seconds and if what I put on my face enters my bloodstream and impacts my hormones, I want to make educated choices.  We were on a journey of all-around health. We were getting rid of processed foods and getting more intentional about our home and habits. The ingredients in what we put on our skin and in our homes matter. So when it comes to ingredients, it’s important to know that essential oils are in everything. But some are not actually pure. I wanted to get as pure as possible. Enter Young Living!

I had no idea essential oils could do so much but we have seen many incredible benefits! 

Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils can:

+ Reach every cell in your body within 20 minutes when applied topically

+ Help eliminate toxins in your body

+ Help support the different systems of the body: digestive, nervous, muscular, and more. 

+ Promote cellular regeneration

+ Pass through the blood-brain barrier

+ Work on emotions via the limbic system of your brain

+ Promote healthy emotional wellness and relax and clear the mind

+ Transport nutrients

+ Be powerful antioxidants

+ Remove toxins in the air

+ Promote healthy, breathable air 

+ Be a great alternative to chemical or toxic fragrances

Why Young Living?

Essential oils are very poorly regulated. This makes it easy for companies to put fillers and additives into what they call an “essential oil”. Most of what you will find at the grocery store is either another ingredient altogether or has toxic fillers in it.

When you are using essential oils on or around your body for any reason, it is very dangerous to use these types of oils and can actually bring more harm. You can have reactions to these types of oils and they can make conditions worse.

This is why Young Living has rigorous testing and standards for their oils.

No fillers are ever added to Young Living’s oils and no toxins are present. In fact, they don’t even use pesticides or herbicides on their crops or soil so that toxins won't be present. Anything that comes from a farm outside of Young Living’s farms must meet these strict standards as well. This is what we call the Seed to Seal promise.